This firm is certainly not the only company out there providing this service, but what I like about them—and why they’re this week’s choice—is that their website not only offers a vast array of top-name talents (ex. Ken Blanchard, Bill Moyers, Phil McGraw, and Deepak Chopra) in easy-search formats, but also they provide ranges for these speaker’s fees. They give these by category. It's a good way to gauge today's going rate for a particular caliber of speaker in a specific field. With only a little time invested, authors and their publishers can get a sense of where they stand. Unfortunately for religious publishers, there isn’t a Spirituality category or even Values; people who speak on these matters would be lumped into Inspiration or Motivation. On the other hand, if you’re a religious author or publisher who also addresses the need for Patriotism, Ethics, or Balanced Living, there are categories for those. So one is able to form a point of reference and get an indication of the playing field.