Wednesday, September 3, 2008

More About This Blog & Focus

Again, welcome to my new blog. As I said previously, this blog will cover interesting topics and observations about running a business, with a bent toward publishing, media, educational, communication, marketing, and nonprofit industries. I also hope to engage in the national conversation of the day, and make links between current events and business philosophy. I’ll be recommending articles, websites, blogs, books, etc., that I find cool or particularly well done, and I expect to comment on branding, advertising, and strategic business maneuvers I find interesting---sort of in the “How Others Do It” vein.

I intend to post every Monday through Friday, so please visit often.

Also, I’d like to give a little explanation about this blog’s name: First off, should you ever type the name into your browser, don’t forget to add the “” or you’ll end up at a self help site. Second, I realize that WhatYouFocusOnGrows is a bit long. But it’s also memorable. And it’s the tagline for my new business. However, the main reason I choose this name is because I thoroughly believe in the truth and importance of this statement. Where we put our attention, our mind, that’s where our energy flows. That’s what we’ll be feeding in our businesses and our lives. By focusing our attention on something, we strengthen our awareness and sensitivity to it; we discern its true nature---with all its beauties, problems, benefits, and nuances. And where our energy is focused, that’s what grows. We will have a greater effect on it, and it on us.

“What you focus on grows.” It’s a good thing to remind ourselves of often.